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Brexit has sparked a flurry of concerns for British ex-pats living in Spain, most of which are looking for answers to put their minds at rest.

While the outcome is unknown until Britain officially leaves the EU, the Spanish government has made some interesting remarks that are offering a positive outlook for British ex-pats:

  • Acting PM Rajoy released a statement from Spain's Palacio de la Moncloa reassuring ex-pats that their interests would be looked after in any Brexit settlement
  • Mariano Rajoy said that although he “profoundly regretted" the result of the referendum, he was committed to defending the interests of Spaniards in the UK, by the same token he would defend ex-pats and British businesses in Spain

In addition to the above, GBPEUR has reached 4 week highs since the triggering of Article 50 by Theresa May.

6 Apr 2017
Source: Foenix

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